Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy HeartBeats Why and How?

So, What are Happy HeartBeats?

A means for you to experience and engage with life in a positive way.  It decreases anxiety, leaving YOU happier and healthier.  Increase your quality of life. It's simple and free!

Activities for Happy HeartBeats:
*  Walking
*  Play Board Games
*  Family Night
*  Watch Your Favorite Movie
*  Listen to Music
*  Meditate
*  Pray
*  Eat Healthy
*  Walking your dog, take care of a baby (any activities caring for others you double your Happy HeartBeats because you are responsible for someone else's happiness!)
*  Enjoy the night sky
*  Enjoy the sunrise with cup of coffee
*  Hold hands with someone you love
*  Kiss in the rain
*  Whatever activity makes YOU happy and feel positive

Enjoy those activities that make you feel like you are in another world.  Scientific data supports that over time your heart beat will regulate to a more consistent pulse, and you will naturally find yourself doing those activities with repetition, inherently enjoying the activites which may have once seemed forced.  Happiness starts with YOU!  Once you experience joy that makes your soul dance with excitement and delight you will want to share that with others in need.

How Does Happy HeartBeats Work?

Estimate how many times your heart beats per minute.  For simplicity sake, let's say that your heart beats 100x/min x 60 min ( of activity) = 6,000 Happy HeartBeats.  How exciting, you just did an hour of activity that benefits you directly.  Endorphins are released in your brain and you feel, well, happy!  Now click on where you login in the upper right hand corner (where the red banner is) and it says, "Are you a member yet?"  and "Login." You do not enter any personal data at all.  Just enter the Username and Password.

Username:  on
Password:   tap

This gives you access to the Happy HeartBeats Counter for Riley Kids Urology.  Here is where your Happy HeartBeats from doing a positive activity can help someone else.  Enter the number you "earned" and deposit it into the "bank" of Happy HeartBeats for Riley Kids Urology.  This number indicates how many positive activities were completed to share happiness and well being with those who need it most - our kids. 

Why Riley Urology?

Riley Hospital for Children has a World Renowned Urology Department.  It is the single most efficiently and effectively run clinic at the hospital and is serving as a model for all other clinics hospital wide.  Show them how much EVERYONE cares by sharing your daily Happy HeartBeats. The clinic over flowing with compassionate care givers and immense medical expertise needs our help to save kids.  "They" say, you can tell a lot about a society by how they treat their children.  Let's go down in history as a society who cares deeply, from the heart, for our kids.  Connect emotionally through sharing your Happy HeartBeats to show the kids, families, and medical staff they are not forgotten. Share your love to uplift those facing major battles every minute.  Riley Urology changes and saves lives.  Let's hold their hands and help them continue to do what they do.

Remember it's simple go to The Happy HeartBeats Counter ™ for Riley Kids Urology.  Log in at the top in the red banner where it says, "Are you a Member?" and  "Login."  Click Login.

Username:  on
Password:   tap

Start today and donate 10000 Happy HeartBeats each day to empower those who need you! You make the difference.

What if I want to do more in conjuction with my Happy HeartBeats?

To continue building State of the Art treatments in Pediatric Urology including Oncology donate now at  With a compassionate heart filled, giving of any level helps Riley Urology obtain goals to increase their scope of treatments and expand research to develop new life saving procedures. 

So many lives have been changed and saved because of Riley Urology including my own life.  Riley Urology needs the emotional support from all of us and financial support to continue to soar as the Best!!

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