Thursday, April 26, 2012

When Saying Thank You Isn't Enough...

In this Happy HeartBeats blog we naturally discuss finding happiness and feeding our souls with positivity, then sharing that with others; a pay it forward system.  There are times when being on the receiving end of the compassion is extremely overwhelming.  What do we do when there are no words to thank those around us for giving so much? 

Recently I've been struggling with a Cerebral Spinal Fluid leak.  I fell about two weeks ago, sustaining a significant concussion.  I have not been myself or able to write and share/motivate those around me.  It's been terribly lonely and terrifying.  My husband has been lovingly at my side to calm me from the cognitive side effects, confusion, agitation, ringing in the ears, nausea etc.  He is ALWAYS here!  My parents always come to bring food, even more than they had been.  Without their help, the stress would be so much more overwhelming.

Talk about sharing happiness and compassion with others!  I am surrounded by a family and some friends who never leave my side, no matter what medical challenge comes my way.  I know, or think I remember being so weird to talk to because of the confusion and agitation.  Yet, they all remained here, loving me.  I found out just today, from the tests, that I sustained just soft tissue damage in my head, neck and lower back where the CSF leak.  For me that is excellent news considering what could have happened.  A definite silver lining in light of a scary fall.  I did find my humor by posting a song the other day on Face Book.  That's my thing.  I usually like to post songs to fill peoples' days with humor or inspiration instead of talking about myself.  I posted the song, "If I Only Had a Brain," from the musical The Wizard of Oz because I was so frustrated from not being able to think clearly.  I'm still struggling but the old me is coming back :).

Loving Family!


The thing is, that those who love so freely and share their hearts openly are around all of us.  It's also allowing and accepting that compassion and love.  I still don't know how to thank everyone who stands by me still.  There are no words to do justice to that type of sharing. That's what Happy HeartBeats is all about.  It's important when you are on the receiving end and are down in the dumps to cherish the people in your life who really comprehend compassion and empathy.  These are virtues not many possess but so many of us are lucky to receive.  Interesting statistic.  Hold them close to your heart and remember...always pay it forward.  We thank those who are here for us every day, our significant others, children, parents, siblings, grand parents, animals etcetra but to do their actions justice, we must share the same type of love, joy and compassion with others.  This completes the circle and makes our world a loving place.  It's not a thing for dreamers.  I am living proof and if it weren't for everyone around me who have chosen to love me, for me, and despite me, that I smile and can share it, and hopefully inspire!
True Blue Friend!

Saying thank you seems trite in light of the good deeds of others.  Then there are others committed to going another step.  They give themselves wholey to charities and causes close to their hearts.  We're not able to have children due to health issues but growing up a Riley Kid, I identify with the struggles of being a child at Riley Children's Hospital.  Being in the loving hands of the staff, from doctors to food service who enter the room with love and a smile.  They not what their empathy means to the entire family.  Well, for my husband and I, those kids, the Riley Kids are our kids!  Please pay it forward, in your life, and share with  those at Riley Children's Hospital .  It's free and takes just 60 seconds to give hope and inspiration to those who need a lift from others. 

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Compassion is a virtue which needs to be passed onto others so those on the receiving end experience true empathy and are able to share it with others.  Will you join me in thanking those around us, in the only way that truly does justice to who and what they are?

Be prepared for an amazing guest blogger for the following entry.  If I told you who it was I'd be sharing too much.  Stay tuned...