Sunday, March 11, 2012

From Pampers to Panties

Hi!  I am Julie, proud to be a Riley Kid!  I was born with Complete Sacral Agenesis, a rare congenital neural tube birth defect where I am missing my entire sacrum and L5 of the spinal column.  This disorder manifests itself globally, impacting Urological, Neurological, Orthopedic function and more. Because I lack the nerve intervention from the waist down, I was incontinent until age 7.  Riley has always been an innovative leader in medicine and The Urology department is no exception.  At age 7, they implanted a new, at the time device, the Artificial Urinary Sphincter to control my bladder.  It required a couple surgeries to implant and I was the youngest during those early years to receive one.  It was wonderful.  I was dry!!!  I was able to wear "undies" like everyone else!!  We even had a "Panty Party" with a cake made in the shape of “undies” and I was so proud!  Over the years to follow it was replaced and several times and finally removed about 5 years ago.

Also I had a bladder augmentation when I was 13.  This is a reconstructive surgery where they used my intestines to enlarge my bladder so I could have normal bladder capacity since I was my bladder never developed beyond infant size. Again my life was changed completely!  I also have a neurogenic bladder where I live with painful spasms and pay close attention to completely empty so that my kidneys stay healthy while Riley Urology monitors this situation to keep me healthy.

Without Riley Urology's medical expertise, support and love I would not be the woman I am today. Countless other children would not have stories to tell because of treatment received from the Riley Urology team.  Riley Urology changes lives and gives freedom to children and their families. Thank you for holding me in your hand as you do each child you see! Sacral Agenesis has other medical implications. I grew up at Riley, having over 40 surgeries. My commitment to Riley is life-long as is my medical journey. Knowing what I have survived at Riley and also seeing the realities of life at a young age gives me the courage, strength and positivity to take on every challenge as an opportunity!

Be a part of the Riley family by supporting Riley Urology with a donation as well as uploading Happy HeartBeats to the Riley Urology Happy HeartBeats Counter™.  Riley Urology needs your help to continue saving our children. Share your financial donations at: Remember to share your Happy HeartBeats of compassion at:  Every Riley Kid needs to know they are loved by many.  Seeing the number climb as you engage in happy, healthy activities and sharing those Happy HeartBeats with us, empowers us to tackle the next obstacle knowing we have a "bank" of positive thoughts to energize us for each subsequent challenge.  It's a life long battle as is your happiness.  Sharing that happiness with Riley Urology Kids is a win/win where you become happier as do the kids with whom you share your Happy HeartBeats.

From Pampers to Panties thanks to Riley Urology!
Me smiling at my very own "Panty Party!" Thanks Mom, you always know what to do and say!