Sunday, March 18, 2012

From A Mother's Eyes...

I would like to introduce myself to you…I am Charlotte Schild, Mom to Julie Hemker. This is the first time I have EVER written a blog entry. Julie invited me to be her guest blogger this week and of course I PROUDLY accepted. 

Being the parent of a precious child born with many physical challenges catches any parent off guard…in my case I was doubly caught off guard. My OB doctor NEVER suspected that I was pregnant with twins, as in the early 70's, ultrasounds weren't routinely done.  It was not until delivery I will ever forget those words spoken by my OB…" Oh my God! There is another one in there!" Life became a little more complicated and certainly challenging!!

Yes, Julie and her precious twin brother were quickly examined by the professionals and then wrapped /swaddled and placed in my arms - one on each side. It was at that moment that I fell in love with both of them. I had no idea any physical abnormalities could be present with my babies because this was the moment all parents eagerly await…holding their child for the first time. My point is that I didn’t meet a birth defect or abnormality…I was holding two precious creations!!!

Julie and her twin brother, Charlie, also had an older sibling, Terra, to add an extra spark in our family. Certainly keeping up with two siblings provided Julie with built-in playmates and an innate perception of not being different. Even with casts on her legs to correct her bilateral club feet Julie was able to walk around furniture with two artificially stable legs!! Keeping up with her brother/sister was a playful and at times a game of survival !!

There were a lot of MD appointments, worry, tears, financial constraints, challenges but we tried to keep the family unit as balanced as possible. If Charlie and Terra were on their little tricycles then Julie was on her wheeled circular arm propelled bike. Swimming was an activity made available to Julie through the Easter Seals Center where she received water therapy and developed her love of water. Again all three children were able to play together - Julie relying on her upper body strength to propel her through the water and her siblings kicking up a storm. Nothing seemed different at that time.

As Julie grew, more medical/surgical interventions were necessary and Riley Hospital became a place where doctors, nurses, therapists, cleaning and dietary staff, teachers, other parents - even the parking attendants - became an integral part of our lives. We never knew what lay ahead but trusted in the skillful surgeons to continue to improve Julie’s life.

In regards to Riley Urology, the dept was small with a few examination rooms, a restroom and a waiting area. Within that small space however the most loving, skillful and compassionate doctors and nurses worked together to help our kids. There was a sense of community amongst us - the nervous and anxious parents comforting our babies and children.

I saw miracles occur specifically with my daughter, Julie. Through several tedious and complicated surgeries , Julie finally transitioned into her very first pair of panties!!! We, as a family, joyfully celebrated that event with yes, a Panty Cake!  A perfect time for celebration!

It was through the endless hours the Urology doctors and nurses worked with such brilliance and wisdom that our kid’s lives have changed.

Remember…this is my first blog ever and in order to keep my reader’s interest peaked I would like to remain as an ongoing guest blogger - sharing my experiences as being the parent of a Riley child. That Riley child is now an adult woman, happily married to a wonderful young man. Julie continues to face physical challenges every day with that same innate determination and strength she had as a child.

Again…Julie is not a physical liability…she is an empowered strong woman wanting to help others!!!

Please make a monetary donation to the Urology Department of Riley Hospital at There may be another little girl out there who could be standing behind a Panty Cake with a smile on her face -celebrating a life change she will never forget.

Julie at her "Panty Party" 

I will never forget the extra sparkle in Julie's smile that day! Thank you Riley Urology!
Stay tuned, more to come….


1 comment:

  1. You're the best Aunt Charlotte! I absolutely love that picture!!! You guys have an amazing family full of love and strength :)
