Sunday, March 4, 2012

Emotional Disaster Relief

What is the Organization, Happy HeartBeats Counter™ anyway? Does it sound conceptual or like dreamers with a nice idea? I'll tell you what WE are. We provide the only digital outlet for the world to gather their Happy HeartBeats while engaging in positive activity and uploading them to our many different counters. "Why," you say?

Let's look at this past week for the mid section of the country. Devastating tornadoes ripped across our heart land destroying everything in their paths.  One of the largest storm of tornadoes in the history with 95 confirmed tornado touchdowns has left countless survivors with with tattered lives, loved ones lost and extreme loss of happiness especially the children.

Now, let's look at how a Happy HeartBeats Counter™ has meaning. Combined with efforts through The American Red Cross, Salvation ArmyWISH TV8 and many more, Happy HeartBeats offers emotional support to the survivors rebuilding their lives. When they see the number of HeartBeats increasing daily their sense of hope rises. Financial donations are obvious, right?!!  The thousands of people on the front lines handing out food, water and tooth paste, setting up shelters, providing counseling to the survivors also need our love and support to get an emotional boost from around the world. Now taking that hour bike ride, meditating, reading a book, walking your dog and estimating those Happy HeartBeats, uploading them to the Happy HeartBeats Counter has purpose and value.

Our journey has many different paths as does life. Let's take "The Road Less Travelled" and be the positive change people need. Upload your Happy HeartBeats of compassion to tornado survivors now.  Each day share 10,000 Happy HeartBeats.  As in any tragedy, the immediate response is generous and overwhelming. Let's continue to support our neighbors who have lost everything. As we sit in our homes, watching T.V., planning meals for the week, finishing the chores, take one minute to share your Happy HeartBeats to those who are sleeping in shelters with only the clothes on their back.  They need US. 

We still feel a yearning to give more, share our empathy and concern.They need a huge group hug.  Hugs say what words cannot. It's another way to give to our friends in need.  Upload your Happy HeartBeats at  to show how much your care and let the survivors and volunteers know that we are not going anywhere. Let's stay together until the happiness to all returns. We are the Emotional Disaster Relief effort.  Combined with support from schools, congregations, businesses, corporate staff, and caring people like you let's start with tens of thousands of Happy HeartBeats on behalf of the tornado survivors and watch the number grow.

Follow #JuliesTornadoHug on Twitter.

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